Sunday, November 24

grumpy cat

lately im not in a good mood about a lot of things. sabiaq naa shada. Allah nak uji je tu. wuwu :')

grumpy cat comey sungguh. hoho. so i drew one. of course my own version with glasess -,,-"" hihi


Anonymous said...

sabaq nohhh,,haha,kucing pon nak comel aje eh :P

Unknown said...

dah macam profesor.. grumpy profesor.. haha..

shada wentz said...

hehehe bg nmpak "intelligent" sket ;p puiii


plain83 said...

the 'no' cat hahah... sabiaq sabiaq~ XD

Zinedine Zaiddin said...

Grumpy hipster cat.. =,="

Makin power la drawing hang Shada. Keep it up, baybeh! har har har

From: Bila Karipap Boleh Bercakap

Hani Nabilia said...

think positive :) comeinya si grumpy tu heheh

cEro said...

Just a fun fact nak berkongsi:
Grumpy cat seekor betina.

merahitujambu said...

comel kucing.. =P